Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Short, Sweet, and Utterly Pointless

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Totally Awesome Blog Posts
Live It The first rule of writing is to write what you know. You might be the best writer that ever put finger to keyboard, but if you have nothing to say, that won't help anyone.

Love It You are not just contributing to cyber-spam. Your audience will know whether you really care about your message.

Write It This is still the language of Shakespeare and Rowling we are talking about. Make sure that no one needs an advanced degree in diseducation in order to understand your blog.

Blog It Make the most of your format. Use bolds, bullets, and maybe even a tasteful graphic or picture.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying the increase in posting Lucy. Maybe taking your own advice. You should get your parents in on the blog world.
