Saturday, August 25, 2012

An Airport in Vienna

    Here I am sitting at a nice free wi-fi station at the Vienna airport, awaiting the last stage of my journey. The weather is lovely—actually, I think this airport is quite charming, especially compared to the ridiculously large Washington D.C. Dulles Airport. 
   I changed a little money to euros and bought some chocolate "Mozarts." I also saw a lovely grand piano right next to my gate and went to investigate, thinking how fun it would be to play a Mozart sonata in Vienna, if nobody minded. Alas! It's a player piano. I gave it a stern look then sniffed the chocolate they were baking near it, and called it good.
  By the way, do they not drink water in Europe? I looked all over and found numerous prayer stations, and something denoted by a runner, but not a water fountain in the place! It's very strange.


  1. You might become a bottled water drinker? That would have been pretty darn cook to play a sonata in Vienna!!

  2. That was my thought! Darn player piano:)

  3. I'm so excited for you Lucy! Enjoy. Can't wait to read all about your experiences!

  4. Jim says you pay for everything you drink in Europe. No FREE water fountains.

  5. Yeah! Not a fan at all. And I've only seen one drinking fountain here in Amman the whole time, and that was on the bottom floor of the university library. And I had to walk clear across the Vienna airport just to find a restroom! I'm going to be ethnocentric here---I like public restrooms and water fountains.

    1. Considering that some places over there also still have lead piping, the whole "bottled water" thing makes more sense.

  6. Wow! I had no idea that water was so much better in the US. And wait until I tell you about the water situation here--I am now learning how to wash dished without turning on the tap!

  7. Haha Lucy! Stumbled upon this when I was searching google's fountain of wisdom for a hint at a possible fountain of water in this airport... still nothing.

    1. Haha funny that you found this post! Things never do leave the internet. BTW are you someone I know, or an unknown fellow Lucy? Either way, good to hear from you!
